Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nordic Tunic

I found SWS on sale at $2.77 a skein and wanted to knit this Nordic Tunic from Vogue Knitting Fall 2008 (one of my all-time favorite issues), which was designed with the same yarn.
  • As usual, Vogue Knitting has TONNES of errors. Remember to read the errata before starting!
  • Didn’t like the yarn. It is like roving and splits like crazy!
  • Didn’t like the yoke construction. I had no idea how to measure the sweater and wondering whether I should add/decrease any length to the sleeves and body. It was also really heavy, which made the tension for colorwork a little bit challenging to be consistent.
  • However, I did like the minimal number of edges to sew!
  • Lengthened the body a bit
  • For neck portion, did a k1p1 twisted rib

Finally finished and it fits perfectly!   
It's a bit too hot to wear it now but packed away in a safe place for next year!

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