I received this yarn from a yarn swap. If you may recall, I knit Monkey last year, which ended up being too big for me. I decided to gift them to Sister C this Christmas. To make things even, I decided to knit a pair of Monkeys for Sister B.
Once I started knitting up this yarn (Regia), I started to fall in love and get attached to it. The sock stuck by me through Chicago and endless TTC rides. Although I considered keeping them for myself, it's now under the Christmas tree.

I didn't really intend to buy this yarn. But the colors, with the bright pinks and deep purples were just calling out "buy me".
I originally started knitting toe-up socks two-at-a-time from a customizable pattern i.e. you fill in the blanks with your gauge, yarn type, length, width, size of your feet. Unfortunately, I filled out the blanks in my head and didn't jot down any notes on the pattern. After putting them aside for a few months, I couldn’t remember which size/gauge I picked and where abouts I’ve knitted up to. It was demovtivating, especially when the sock looked much too narrow to fit my feet. To make matters worst, the colors started pooling. The pooling pattern looked intentionally ugly.

So…. I have decided to rip it and knit Monkey. Since I made Sister C and Sister B each a pair, this one’s for me! The colors work really well with the pattern!

Monkey II - 2 skeins Regia 4 Fach Haltbar (50g/210m) @ 2.5 mm
Monkey III - 1 skein Fleece Artist Basic Merino Socks (100g/349m) @2.5mm
1 comment:
I love all your Monkeys! They're fantastic!!
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