Jury Duty
A month and a half ago, I was called for jury duty. It was not very eventful... I was amongst 300 people sitting in a room waiting all day for a week. During the time there (waiting), I worked on this: Jaywalkers. Isn't it ironic that this was the project I would bring into the courts?
The yarn is Patons Kroy in the Kool Stripes colorway and I used 2.75mm Brittany needles. I actually like this yarn, it's a bit heavier than other sock yarn and doesn't split. Plus, it's cheap! Unfortunately, I'm not as impressed with the Brittany needles. I broke a 2.75mm one! Although they offer a 5 year warranty and send a replacement, it's just plain annoying.Here's a picture of Summer Wheat which I finished a few months ago.
I also finished a few Xmas pressies. Will show you next time!Stashbusting Meter:Socks: 2 skeins Patons Kroy (Kool Stripes)Summer Wheat: 4 skeins Jaeger Trinity (Corn)
Nice stash busting. Love the Summer Wheat!
wow, that's interesting. I didn't know we can knit while waiting in the courts. :) And the summer wheat is very very nice!
Gorgeous! Your summer wheat looks great, and I love your jaywalkers- too cute!!
Summer Wheat is really cool looking!
Lovely FOs. You summer wheat looks so nice in trinity.
Love that summer wheat. That Trinity sure knits up nice.
Love the colour of your socks, looks very yummy so as Summer Wheat, very nice.
loving the jaywalkers and the summer wheat is freakin gorgeous!
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